How much does it cost?
It is free! We do not charge any fees to apply or to participate. We will help traveling participants find housing at no cost and we provide lunches. We DO accept donations to support all the work that goes into this project.
Is there an age limit?
18 and over. We engage many kinds of dance, including contact improv, that are outside the societal norms for touch. We navigate inquiries around consent and diversity, which are complex topics to engage as adults.
Do you cover travel costs?
At this time, we do not have the resources to pay for out of town participants travel arrangements. We recognize that out of town folks make a significant commitment to the project, and we do everything we can to make folks comfortable. We will help everyone find a free place to stay, and feed you all a delicious lunch.
What does a typical day at Move Move Collaborative look like?
We start each day with a morning training session led by one of the participating artists/movers, break for lunch, and resume in the afternoon with a performance building session using consensus-based decision making. The exact start and end times remain flexible, year to year. Typical morning and afternoon sessions run between 2-3 hours and lunch breaks span 1.5-2 hours. As we move closer to performance days, we shift into performance building in both the morning and afternoon sessions. We perform during the 3rd and 2nd to last day of the temporary ensemble. The very last day of gathering is reserved for celebration and reflection of our time together, often spent outdoors.
Do I have to have a specific dance/performance background to participate?
No! We actively encourage dancers, artists, movers of all backgrounds to apply.